
Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Their, There, They're

WALT identify and use homonyms Correctly.
In writing we had to fill out sentences to Put their, There and They're, on where we think they should be in our writings. Because our class is getting Confused of what Their, There and They're really stand for. So we made a poster of Their, They're and There to remind us. We had to explain what they all meant. We could also add examples to it. We could also add symbols to our Poster to help us.
Here is my one:

Quiz questions:
1) What do you think they're, There and Their mean to you?
2) Do you think you can try and make your own poster about Their, There and They're to help other people?
3) Now do you understand what Their, There and They're Symbolizes?
4) What do you have to do to make "They are" shorter?

Friday, 22 March 2019

My first ever comic strip!

In my reading group we read a story called Reckless and it's about this boy called Kane and his teacher told him to write a report about Bronzies and we could add Mr Daniels, which is a teacher that is from a book that my class is reading, we could also add Ally which is also from the book that we are reading. The story is called fish and a tree. Anyways for our Create bit of our reading task was to make 5 comic strips and put them together like a comic book so here is mine:

Have you guys ever done a comic strip before?

Friday, 8 March 2019

Friends sometimes break.....

WALT make predictions by looking for clues and scanning for specific information.
For reading we read a story about a girl called Hannah and she had a friend called Chelsea. 
They were best friends until some other girls came and became friends with Chelsea and Hannah.
Once they were playing like this game or like talking to each other, Chelsea felt like Hannah didn't like the other girls. But that's all I can tell you right now. 
So we had to fill in this Prediction google drawing and predict what going to happen next. So here it is:

Then we had to do a google doc about how we would feel if we were Chelsea and we had to write about how we think Chelsea feels about her and Hannah's Relationship. We could also write how we feel about our real life Relationship with our real life friends, So here it is:
If I were Chelsea this is how I would feel……

I feel like me and Hannah’s relationship is breaking because
there are some other girls that I like to play with and I mostly
hang out with them but not Hannah. And I feel like she doesn’t
like my other friends and I’m pretty sure she doesn't like me
anymore. But at the end of the Day we all become best friends

Now I’m gonna share some stuff about me and my real friends
in real life from how I think our Relationship is…..

Me and my friends love hanging out together because we all
make each other laugh. We all might be really different and
have different personalities but we all love each other as friends.
But sometimes we can have fights but at the next day we are
friends again.