
Thursday 17 October 2019

My Taonga

WALT define and identify our own "Taonga".
In term 4, for Integrated Learning, my class has been talking about what a Taonga is. Taonga is a Maori word that means like something is your Treasure and like someone or something that is prized to you and something that like means a lot to you.

In term 3, in the last few days we would go to a Life education van and there was a girl called Amanda and she talked about having a strong core and having a big flex. And that means to have nobody make fun of your core and your core is like your "Taonga" and that is what makes you have a big flex!

Mrs Lee showed us some pictures that could be our Taonga, so we had to think what was really important to us and what is like Treasure to us. After we thought about what our "Taonga" was we had to make a poster about who or what is our "Taonga".

We could make it a digital poster or hand written poster so like on paper. I decided to make my poster on paper cause I though that it would be good to show what my "Taonga" is if I written it with like my hand and show that it's from the heart!

Here is my Poster:

Instead of writing our "Taonga" we had to draw what our "Taonga" was.

One of my Taongas was my family because like my family means a lot to me because they help me with everything I do they make me food. They all also help me have a good life, they make me healthy and last but not least they love me!

My second Taonga is is a pink blanket because I have had that since I was born and that blanket I sleep with every night and I can't sleep without it, and even though it might be a pale pink blanket now I still love it.

My last Taonga is my country and that is the Philippines so I just decided to draw the flag but I love my country and if someone makes fun of my country I will get really mad and probably smash you but I'm not mean so I'll probably just tell you to back off my country!

What is your Taonga?

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